Monday, June 25, 2012

Things on June

Hey bloggers!

I know I haven't write anything on my blog for so long.. But I'm back.. Anyways, there's been lots of things going on in June so far. I had Exams, Camp and extra activities.. Well, I'm just glad they're all finished!! I can't wait for another month like June. So, I just wanna say "Happy Reading (my blog)".

Okay, right now I'll just write bout things on June (well, that  is the title). Anyways, in the beginning of June I had exams. Those are the last exams I'll have in primary school. I'm so glad it's over!! I have awesome grades my marks are all above 90 which means I got straight As.

Right after the exams, we had graduation camp!! It was amazing!! Our activities were just too awesome.. It was the most wonderful experience in my primary school years ever.. What I loved most was obviously cause of the lessons and the better relationship I have after camp with my friend. I learnt more bout responsibility and cooperation. I got better relationship with my friends after camp since we got to hang with our friends which was amazing.

Next thing on the things on June would be the activities. Now, these are just normal activities like performing and stuffs. The only performance I had was performing at Disneyland with the school choir. It was a one of a kind performance. The performance go things that went wrong. But the most important thing is that I had fun and it's over!!

I guess that's it.. It was and is a fun & tiring month but I surely do love it.. It's been amazing.. I just can't wait for it to end then, it's my graduation, registration of secondary school, exam and summer holiday!! That's all!!

Kardia Imanuel Hakim