Friday, September 28, 2012

1st Month of School

Hey Bloggers!!

I finally survived the first month of school! XD I honestly love my new school! I have to say the people at Raimondi College are really nice.. I made lots of new friends. Some are from my class and some are older than me..

My new friends are really sweet and supportive! They know that I struggle a lot in learning local Chinese and they are willing to help me! Well, I did something in return.. I helped them with lessons that are taught in English..

Teachers at my school are great too! They're really different from those in my primary school.. They don't treat us like kids :). I'm glad that I knew one of the teachers before studying there! She's a really great person who just made me feel really welcomed to Raimondi College :)

Like what I wrote I have to study local Chinese which is really hard for me but I'm still trying my best to just go with the flow and what ever happens to my results it's what it is.. Speaking bout subjects, I enjoyed all of them especially Geography and Music (obviously) those are now one of my favorite subjects of all time.. I've always love Music and I'll always love it :) but Geography I love it because of the teacher that teaches me it XD He's hilarious!!

Now that I've talked bout friends, teachers and subjects..  Like every other posts I have nothing else to say XP.. So I guess that's it!! Love you guys and just keep reading or just viewing my blog <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
Kardia Yip