Monday, February 17, 2014

Messed Up

Hey Readers :)

As I promised, I'd update soon after the last post and I did! I'm pretty messed up right now. My head, going all around. I don't know what to do. I wanna talk to someone but somehow I'm pushing everyone away.

My head is blank. I kinda need a hero. Someone to help me fix everything. I don't even know my problem really. I feel like I'm mad at a person and I'm guessing that's it's myself. For whatever reason, I'm no longer listening to anyone's advice, I'm turning kindness into sarcasms.

Heroes please come to me..

I'm not feeling down or anything but I just feel like crying all the time.. :( it's so confusing.

Someone help me. Please..

Sunday, February 2, 2014

An Update.. FINALLY!

Hey readers..

I can't believe the last time I posted was July last year.. Crazy. What have I been doing?! Apparently, even I can't answer. Things happen so fast.. All I know is that F.2 is so much better than F.1. Last year, I had so many things to figure out. I was so naive.

So, 2014.. The 1st month is over and off we are with February..  I actually love 2014. Even by the end of 2013, I was really happy with everything. I moved on over people, I fixed old friendships and I'm no longer walking like I'm drunk in life. It's really amazing.

There's really not much to write since even I don't really know what I should write. I've been keeping a diary lately. More of a journal though.. My friend told me to publish it. That idea, is crazy but then again, I don't have to read it coz clearly I know what happened. I'm really considering that idea. I don't want people reading every single thing though. That's like giving everything to the world. Not gonna happen xD

I've been watching "Awkward", a TV show on MTV. It's awesome. The main character, Jenna, writes on her blog regularly.. Probably what I should do in a sense of "publishing my journal/diary". It doesn't cost a penny but my journal have like silly signs and stupid drawings. I can't exactly show it here.

Anyway, enough on the whole publishing thing.. I've been doing pretty fine lately.. It's quite a surprise. No girl-drama lately. Even if there was drama, I don't care. I feel like I'm finally growing up. No more chains holding me back because they're all forgotten.

My life is so much better. It's now a new story. Really cool. I ended a chapter and now moving into a new one. This is new to me. I used to hold on to things. I was too clingy I can say. I find that stupid. Well I was stupid so. I hated the player not the game. Shouldn't have done that.

I am new and "improved" but there are things that stay the same.. My fickleness. I can't seem to change that about me. I still can't make a decision sometimes. Well I'm getting better since the consequences aren't like it was a year ago.

I never expected myself to be like this. I thought I'd never change. But when you just follow the waves of the ocean, you can get anywhere without even knowing.

For now, I have nothing else to write. Maybe I'll try and keep my blog like my journal. "Publish" my story. Someone actually read my journal and actually tore an entry. Honestly, for anyone who read my journal would know that it's messy but hilarious. The old Kardia would freak out over that.. I did but I no longer care.

That's it I guess. I'll post something soon.