Sunday, October 3, 2010

REading POems

Unbelievable I'm Indonesian but I can't even read Indonesian poems
better than I was reading English poems.

Talking about poems heres one for you

A Small Girl Swinging

When first they pushed me

I was very scared.

My tummy jiggled. I was


The second time was higher

And my ears

Were cold with wisperings

of tiny fears.

The third time up was HIGH.

My teeth on edge.

My heart leapt off the bedroom

Window ledge.

The fourth time, Oh,the fourth time

It was mad.

My shirt flew of the world

And I was glad.

No one's pushing now,

My ears are ringing;

Who'll see across the park

A small girl swinging?

Who'll hear across the park

Her mother calling,

And everywhere her shadows

Rising, Falling.

George Szirtes

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