Saturday, March 17, 2012

My Second Interview

I know it's kinda weird writing the post title "My Second Interview" since I didn't' write about my first interview.. Anyways, here's all the details that you guys want or need to know coz I'm not telling exactly everything..
It's started of rushing.. Wanna know why?? Only because my mom and I were quite in a hurry after a little fight with my older brother XD. We were so lucky that we found a taxi right away.. Coz if we didn't we might be late and I would miss the chance of getting being accepted in one of the schools I want to be in.
This morning was epic after rushing. Turns out there was a traffic jam. I cried just because I was desperate. Don't call me a baby after reading this, I was really scared that I wouldn't make it. The taxi driver saw me crying and told me that the place is just around 20-30 meters away so he told us to run to the school because it'll be faster. So, I ran into the school.
The running wasn't finished.. My mum and I have to run down the stairs for around 5-6 floors. Just when I arrived the hall they told me that I was just a little bit late and that I'll be moved to another hall. So, the teacher asked a prefect to tell me where I'm going so I followed him. Turns out the other hall was upstairs!! I was really sweaty that time but it was worth it.
I'm still allowed to do the interview. Ooh, and one thing that I didn't mention the interviewer smiled at me a lot even when I struggled my Cantonese maybe because I did awesome for the English presentation. :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Birthday Post

This post is sort of belated.. Well, very belated.. This post is just about what I did for my birthday party and the very special school event it's called the International Day..
I had the International day before my birthday party just because I have to help my teacher in the Market Stall.. I have a video and some photos on that topic but it's in my phone right now and I can only use my computer to upload the photos from my phone.
So, since we're now waiting for the photos and the video. I'll just start talking about my party. My party was amazingly funny!! I invited 6 boys to the party and only 2 showed up. Now those boys are like my brothers well, not that close.. Anyways, I felt a little weird in my own party because any normal party host would sit in the middle of the table. Apparently, I didn't and I'm not saying I'm abnormal.. I just want to have some fun XD.
Moving on, I had so much withe the boys form them being immature till they're really formal in a pizza place. It's really funny how boys would pretend they're British and being too formal. They made my best friend and I laugh a lot :D. But the funnest and the most annoying time was when one of the boys blew my candle like 2-3 times.. THANK YOU!! (a shout out for him =D).
Okay, that's all for 'My Birthday Post' come back tomorrow for pictures and videos of my whole birthday =P. Peace out! I'm Out! Love you readers <3