Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stuffs That Happened

I know I'm not suppose to talk or write about someone begin their back and I tried not to but for today, I can't help it. Especially if it's about BFFs. I'm really sorry if "you" my BFF read this but my blog is like a journal. Which means I can express myself by the blog.
So, if you my blog readers want to know what happened, coz of the title.. Here it goes! But before I start. I just want to give u a few tips on being a true friend. 1st, you have to trust your good friend. 2nd you have to tell the truth to your friend no matter what, coz your friend will totally understand you :)
Okay, here comes the story. So today, at school, I had an argument with my BFF. Apparently, she's not my BFF anymore. Not that I hate her (I can't hate anyone, I just can't) but she's just so annoying and she talked about my "weakness" behind my back. Is she a true friend?? I don't think so.
Now, that's not the only thing that I don't like about her. There's another thing. She kept telling me that I'm jealous because she liked someone that I liked. She should know how I feel when she said that especially coz she tease me a lot and I just want her to know how I felt. So after I sort of tease her she should know how annoying it is when someone just kept saying stuffs that doesn't make sense and pointless for a long time.
Here comes the bad part, one of her good friends is a girl that I dislike the most and that girl is the girl who always tease me for no exact reason. Now, my friend talked to her about what happened and the other girl will trust her at once coz she only heard from one part not the other and she wouldn't trust me for anything (she doesn't really like me). It's super unfair she only listened from one side and she's totally gonna spread it to the whole school (she's kinda a gossip girl).
Now, if the girl tell the whole school, nobody is gonna like me. For being in a bad mood and saying what I want and just being disappointed at my friend. I'm trying not to cry while I'm writing this. She's just gonna ruin mylife by half an hour. Why is this so unfair? And in all of the things I wrote and what I felt there's only 1 good thing. Which is, I only have 2-3 months at the same school and next year I'm not gonna see my friend for good.

Thanks for reading :)
Kardia Imanuel Hakim (Yip)


  1. Maybe,you guys should talk it out. Besides,she may have her own reasons. Everything happens for a reason. She just probably didn't want to hurt your feelings which means she thinks u still like the someone you liked.

    1. Thank you so much.. It's now all fine and we are awesome friends again.. Anyways, Welcome to my blog!! :D
