Saturday, May 5, 2012

What it Means to be yourself and a friend

Good Morning from Hong Kong!!
    Hey, bloggers I'm here today to talk about things that matters for some of you. Like for example, standing up for who you are, what it means to be a friend and being a true friend. Hope it gives you something.
    I'll talk about "standing up for yourself' first.. Okay, here we go. So, I'll give some examples and then I'll write some advice. I have this friend of mine who listens to the other person. So, this other person and I was fighting on Friday. Now, my friend listens to that person. All I really want to tell her and you bloggers are : First, if you have friends who are fighting and you're in between, you shouldn't choose when you want to be both friends. Secondly, you should stand up for yourself when someone try to control you. You're a person, no one can control you. You have to control yourself. The point is, who cares when someone who wants to control you? You have to control yourself.
    The second point. What it means to be a friend. Being a friend means that you (the friend) shouldn't betray your friend. Why?? Because you hurt your friend when you betray them and if you have feelings you'll feel guilty about it. Being a friend also means that you have to stay/stick with your friend through ups and downs. Again why?? Because even when you have tons of friends, you don't have to choose but think which one of your friends needs you the most. He/She wouldn't show you what's in their heart. But if you really is a friend you can feel what's inside their mind.
     The third and last one. Being a true friend. This point is quite similar with the previous one. A true friend means that no matter what happens, even when your friend have been humiliated or changed into a loser or even lost his/her reputation at school, you'll always be with them. A true friend should be faithful and trustworthy. You wouldn't just choose your friend because they're cool or "well-known" around school. All those stuffs are just fake at school you have to really know who they are, the real them! To be a true friend is hard but your friend would really appreciate you for that.
     Well, that's all for this post. I'll write again soon (maybe).

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