Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Post

Hello people who reads my blog :). Sorry I haven't really post any posts lately like around 3 months. See, I just write my blog in special occasions only. Apparently, today's not really special but tomorrow is only cause it's CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Christmas would be the best gathering, festival with parties ever!!! I just love Christmas <3. I got to do some Christmas caroling, have fun with family and friends at church :). And last but not least, the performances I'll have in Christmas..

I'll be having tons of Christmas performances, I also have a performance that's finished. Like a choir performance at school. I played guitar for the performance and helped sing too.. The future performances will be me playing the violin and I'm going to sing outdoor at Mei foo Sunday the 25th. I guess that's all of my performances

I guess there's also nothing more to say. I wish you blog readers a merry Christmas in 2011 and have a happy new year 2012. :) Keep reading my blog. Thank you :D

Sunday, September 25, 2011

What a DAy...

NO school and NO brother today it's amazing never thought this day would actually come true.. Not that I hate school and I'm happy coz there's no school it's just that today I have a whole day rest and it's AWESOME!!!
If there's no brother I might be like the luckiest girl ever coz her brother just left for his Life Wide Camp he'll be sleeping in a tent and he's not gonna be at home for 4 days YAY!!!! But I'm so gonna miss him like a heck.. :(

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Last week of summer

I couldn't believe summer is starting to end.. I was missing school around the mid of summer but now summer is ending n I'm totally not as excited as I was before.. I wish I have a longer holiday!.!.

I know it's kinda weird loving school when there's no school and hating it when there is school.. Well I'm pretty excited to meet my friends but not learning for sure it's too much.!. Since I'm not primary 6 it's gonna be tough..

When I'm writing this thing I'm stuck in this very paragraph.. Since I never think before I write I just write anything that happened n happening in my life.. School is not like that we can't do anything we want, we can't express what we wanna express that's pretty much the reason I don't really like school..

People think that I love school.. But that's totally wrong..

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Something bad

Hey bloggers.. :)
It's been ages I haven't write on my blog.. Here's what happen to me yesterday.. I twisted my ankle.. It hurts a lot I haven't walk properly since yesterday.. I have to try my best to ignore the pain from my twisted ankle.. My mum have to rub my feet to make me feel better :) It hurts when she rub my feet I almost have to bite my finger to replace the pain.. I cracked my ankle twice. I was waiting for the last crack.. But as much as I tried I didn't crack it.. I can't sleep peacefully.. I was holding the pain it hurts badly when I got out of bed I have to try my best to use my left foot instead of my right to stand then hop.. WHEN IS IT GONNA B BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Awards from school

Supz bloggerZz!!

I might not write for a long time by a long time I mean a really long time it's like since the Easter holiday. But now I'm so gonna write.. It's about my awards at school.. Okay.. when I wrote it like that it's kinda depressing.. BUT I HAVE A REALLY GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!! Well, not exactly great news coz it's pretty common every year around these date..

As usual I got the first place again.. I know it's kinda like I'm showing off to you bloggers that actually reads my blog.. But there's something new!! I GOT THE MODEL STUDENT AWARD!!!!! A Model Student Award is kinda like a big deal for me. Students in my school only got one chance for the Model Student Award :) n I got it.

I felt so happy for myself it's like I had a surprise gift just for me from a teacher!!! I'm super happy :).

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Younger Siblings

Okay.. I seriously don't have any younger siblings but since my teacher asked everyone in class to write a poem about a younger sibling so here it goes my poem

Younger Siblings

Younger siblings
they might be annoying.
Sometimes they drool
Like a grumpy old troll.

They're seldom lonely
because everyone thinks they're lovely.
They're seldom serious even when I say "Can you be serious?!"
They're not curious nor nervous.

They might steal your spotlight
which is so not tight.
Everyone compliments them
It's like there's no me but only them.
Kardia Hakim

I don't think I'm a really good poet.
This is actually my second rhyming poem..
I just try to write anything that rhymes recently..

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Us, Us, Us

Guys, I'm a bit bored but I just wanna show you this poem I made.. It's totally not real..

Us, Us, Us

You, You and you
I never can stop thinking bout you
There's just something special about you..
I never can forget bout you..

You hate being amazing
Coz it's your thing..
If only the world is ours
We can share our hours..

Me, Me, Me
You're special to me
I only need you to tell me..
What do you think about me??

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another first place for Kardia!!!

What's up mah peeps on mah blog!!

A good news 4 meh!!! I got the 1st place in da 1st term of Primary 5!! so glad that I got da 1st place again.. I wasn't really sure that I'll get da 1st place.. Cuz all mah results r lower than b4. It's ly the worst result ever.
It's like my Chinese results it's the worst result ever!!!!!!! I failed in Chinese exam for the 1st time. It's just stupid but I still got the 1st place..
I'm not really sure what to write in this post...

Friday, February 11, 2011

A poem that My friend and I made

What's my name??

I'm a beautiful Sun that rises in the morning.
I'm a flower that makes everyone delightful.
I'm a poetry that makes everyone rhyme.
I'm a treasure chest that's filled with gold.
I'm an inspirational view that makes everyone smile.
I'm a joke that makes everyone burst out laughter and giggles.
I'm a green light that lets everyone go.
I'm a big house that filled with joy.
If you look for me, you'll find me.What's my name? Can you guess?
I live just round the corner and my name is Happiness.
Kyle Angelee
Kardia Imanuel

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Annoying Boyz

Okay.. As you guys my blog reader knows that I'm a 5th Grader... In 5th Grade it's the worst time for girls and not Boys..

Boys are really annoying to girls in my school.. It's quite normal now but b4 it's a total ANNOYING!!!

Boys are like saying stuffs that doesn't even make sense. Sorry it should be NEVER make sense..

The good thing is that not all boys are annoying or else it's gonna be the worst place in Hong Kong for girls..

The most annoying boys are those who goes home with me in the public bus!! Even in my phone I made a list "ANNOYING BOYS" the other good thing is that there's just 4 boys.. If there's more I'm gonna die!!

They talked non-sense stuffs in the bus.. Always talk loudly even when I'm listening to songs on my phone using my ear-phones I can still hear them.. A total Annoyed Everyday In the bus with the 4 most annoying boys on Earth!! They laugh for no reason.They got plenty of not funny jokes.

I wish I could get rid of them fast!!!!


Although they're annoying, they're sometimes funny n really nice to girls.. It's quite fun talking with them sometimes.. Coz they also make sense (sometimes).. Well I guess I don't think they're so annoying just annoying n not super annoying..

They made some songs up.. That doesn't make any sense but quite funny.. They just say anything that pops in their head n use it in a song.. Quite weird but okay..

They also made weird games that is actually fun in someways..They could be annoying but creative..