Monday, December 31, 2012

Things over 2012

Hey Bloggers!

Before 2012 ends (which is in several hours in HK), I wanna make a last post of the year.. It's just special highlights of this year.. Lots of things happened this year.

It's been a long year but it time goes by really quickly.. I still remember watching fireworks at home on TV with my dad for New Year's we were sitting on the sofa just waiting for my brother to come back home XD..

Things happened through this year and some of those things are things that I didn't expect. Like, I almost miss my interview at Raimondi College but I was accepted (out of 4 schools that I've been in, I love RC most!!), My team won in the Hong Kong speech festival for the public speaking team competition..

There are also things that I can't share (I think) but if you're close to me you'll know what those things are XP..

Anyways, I finished exams and my holiday was amazing-ish. I stayed home n at church most of the time. But I learnt a lot from my brother's former piano teacher. I finally have a formal teacher on teaching me how to play worship music..

There's not much that I have to write in this post since I basically post things monthly in my blog.. So, I wish you all a Happy and Blessed New Year!!

Also, I'm finally being baptised in April next year!! I can't wait!!

Kardia Yip xox

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Things Going on October and Early November

What's Goes on readers?

This post is kinda belated since I didn't have much time to write things.. i got busy weekdays and busy weekends.. Usually during weekdays, I go to school, do my homework and chat with my friends afterwards (they ask about homework by chats). Weekends, I have lots of things to do sometimes..

On November 3rd, I had to go to HKU in the morning to attend a lesson. After that I met my friend and started out on our Historiy Project (it was so complicated). On the evening, I went to church since we had a movie night and went to my pastor's house with the youth group and had dinner, watched a movie and we played games.. It was fun!

Now, let's get back to our topic "October'..It was quite a month. Things were going on just right and nothing special that I can tell you about.. I got closer to one of my friends. It was nice getting to know people better. We spent time with each other and it was cool.. Nothing else special happened.

Things are getting harder and harder in Secondary school! It's so complicated! Maths is getting ever more complicated than it was before. The maths teacher is kinda annoying (sorry if you're reading this) He spent time on jokes and acting all silly for no exact reasons. He's also like a translator since some of the students don't really know English that well..

There's nothing that's all that special in October that's why like November better even though it's just the beginning of the month. It was really fun already! We had a casual day! It was kinda awkward looking at my friends not wearing our school's uniform.

The choices of clothes they had was kind of interesting.. Some of my friends went were really simple they wore a T-Shirt and Jeans so did I.. I was surprised when I was one of my friends wore clothes that looked like it was from the 80s but it was really cool..

This is basically the end of my post.. Like every other posts.. I have nothing to write anymore so I guess this is it for now.. I'll write more things by the end of November or the beginning of December even though I might not post anything by then, please check out my last posts or just check out my blog for some special update.. I love you readers!!

Kardia Yip

Friday, September 28, 2012

1st Month of School

Hey Bloggers!!

I finally survived the first month of school! XD I honestly love my new school! I have to say the people at Raimondi College are really nice.. I made lots of new friends. Some are from my class and some are older than me..

My new friends are really sweet and supportive! They know that I struggle a lot in learning local Chinese and they are willing to help me! Well, I did something in return.. I helped them with lessons that are taught in English..

Teachers at my school are great too! They're really different from those in my primary school.. They don't treat us like kids :). I'm glad that I knew one of the teachers before studying there! She's a really great person who just made me feel really welcomed to Raimondi College :)

Like what I wrote I have to study local Chinese which is really hard for me but I'm still trying my best to just go with the flow and what ever happens to my results it's what it is.. Speaking bout subjects, I enjoyed all of them especially Geography and Music (obviously) those are now one of my favorite subjects of all time.. I've always love Music and I'll always love it :) but Geography I love it because of the teacher that teaches me it XD He's hilarious!!

Now that I've talked bout friends, teachers and subjects..  Like every other posts I have nothing else to say XP.. So I guess that's it!! Love you guys and just keep reading or just viewing my blog <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
Kardia Yip 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

My Summer Holiday..

Hey Bloggers!!

   So, my summer holiday is about to end and I wanna share it with you! Summer was fun even though I barely did a thing except homework.. Summer was just an awesome time in which I can just relax at home.. I talked about things that happened in July.. Like bridging course, attainment test etc. Well that's not all, I had the whole August to myself..

   August was so relaxing because the only things I did was watch TV, play the guitar and piano sometimes and homework.. That's really it coz right now I have nothing else to say on what I did mostly on August. But that doesn't mean that this post is over..

   The other thing that I did was helping my relative tour around Hong Kong. Apparently, I don't know nothing about my own relatives because we're not close at all. Anyways, I took them to Disneyland well not really I showed them the way to Disneyland.. We also went to Tsim Sha Tsui to go shopping (I didn't shop they did)..

   That's about it I guess and it's clear that I didn't do a lot of things in August. If you're wondering why I'm writing this post even though I don't write a lot this time it's because I wanna write each month since I haven't done that in the last years.. Lastly, I really want to have more than 1000 pageviews I'm close to 1000 and please help :)

Kardia Imanuel Hakim (Yip)

Friday, July 20, 2012

This going on in July

Hey Readers!

It's almost a month since I post anything. Anyways, the reason for me not posting anything is obviously like June.. VERY BUSY!! I got tons of things I did, doing and gonna do. The beginning of July was full of stress because I wanted to know which school I'm going into. Apparently, I got into an excellent school called Raimondi College..

Raimondi College is a really cool school! I really like my new schoolmates.. They're very friendly.. I know that coz I attended the bridging course. Most of the teachers I met is very friendly!

Also, I wanna say thanks a lot to my former teacher for suggesting me on choosing Raimondi College as my secondary school coz right now I know I'm in the right school.. I honestly love this school coz my 2 former classmates who were always  fighting to get the 1st place isn't in my school. XD

Moving on, there are other things going on in July. This coming Monday I'll be going on an outreach in Hong Kong for around 1 week. Which means during this month I have very little free time but it's all fine. During  this outreach the focus would be to minister to children, teaching them Bible stories and doing skits for them. I can't wait till Monday!!

So I guess that's all for this post.. I might post something after the outreach. So, just wait for it!! Btw, I just checked on my pageviews and I got 900 pageviews! It's very little I know. I just can't wait for 1000 pageviews which will be very soon if  you guys check out my blog..

Kardia Imanuel Hakim.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Things on June

Hey bloggers!

I know I haven't write anything on my blog for so long.. But I'm back.. Anyways, there's been lots of things going on in June so far. I had Exams, Camp and extra activities.. Well, I'm just glad they're all finished!! I can't wait for another month like June. So, I just wanna say "Happy Reading (my blog)".

Okay, right now I'll just write bout things on June (well, that  is the title). Anyways, in the beginning of June I had exams. Those are the last exams I'll have in primary school. I'm so glad it's over!! I have awesome grades my marks are all above 90 which means I got straight As.

Right after the exams, we had graduation camp!! It was amazing!! Our activities were just too awesome.. It was the most wonderful experience in my primary school years ever.. What I loved most was obviously cause of the lessons and the better relationship I have after camp with my friend. I learnt more bout responsibility and cooperation. I got better relationship with my friends after camp since we got to hang with our friends which was amazing.

Next thing on the things on June would be the activities. Now, these are just normal activities like performing and stuffs. The only performance I had was performing at Disneyland with the school choir. It was a one of a kind performance. The performance go things that went wrong. But the most important thing is that I had fun and it's over!!

I guess that's it.. It was and is a fun & tiring month but I surely do love it.. It's been amazing.. I just can't wait for it to end then, it's my graduation, registration of secondary school, exam and summer holiday!! That's all!!

Kardia Imanuel Hakim

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My School Life in Hong Kong (2)

For the first time in "My Life My Story" history I wrote twice in the same day..

So, as you can see the title is "My School Life in Hong Kong (2)". I'm writing a sequel about the post I posted in December 2010. This time, my words will be better (I wish).

Okay, let's get started! But before that, I'm just gonna write something.. This post isn't like the one in 2010 because this would be sort of like my last moments in my school LSTHS so it's gonna be quite different. Also, this is like my just a thank you thing to my teachers, friends and of course my school.

My Years at LSTHS:

As I say goodbye to primary school and head off to secondary school.I take with me the memories I had. From happiness to sadness and from joy to sorrow.

My friends have been here with me through ups and downs. We went through mountains and rivers together. Years at LSTHS made our friendship so special and so much closer. Now, we're not just classmates, schoolmates or friends but we're family. The bonds we shared here, we will always cherish.

My friends aren't the only ones who've been here with me. Teachers are also a big part of my life right now. They're like my aunts and uncles. They care about us just how we care about them. They gave us the knowledge we need and taught us to be a better person.

Our growth wouldn't be possible without the opportunities from our school. From academic projects, to sporting competitions, to cultural visits and performances. From every experiences you broadened our horizon and opened a door to a world of possibilities.

Now, as "we" embark on our separate ways, no matter where we end up whether near or far, we'll always be together. May the years that lie ahead be as remarkable as our years at Li Sing Tai Hang School. Thank you for the teachers and friends who has supported me through the years! I love you all!!
That's all for the things that I have to say about the years at LSTHS my primary school.. Hope you enjoyed it and I hope it's shorter than the other one in Dec 2010.

Still continuing with the post. I remembered last time I wrote "I'm happy where ever and whenever I am". Well, that's sort of true. The years at LSTHS made me realize that in this world happiness and sadness is always around.

Every single time when I'm sad I will always remember my first proper poem which is "What's my name?" I wrote it with one of my closest friends. I believe that I posted that in my blog last year. The poem we wrote was guided with my "wisest" teacher. I really love that poem because I'll always remember that poem and the last line that says "I'm just around the corner and my name is happiness".

So, no matter what happen I'll always be happy coz in every sadness there's this little spot which is full of happiness. Just like my years at LSTHS it's just wonderful. :) I can't believe it's gonna be over in 2 months! I'll miss all my teachers and my closest friends and my "school sibling". That's all :D

Kardia Imanuel Hakim (Yip)

Notes : Hey guys, I just checked (May 20) the old post "My School Life in Hong Kong" it's actually just a little bit longer than this one..

Friday, May 11, 2012

Just Wanna say hello

Hello people of the world!!

I'm just writing this to say hello (the title said it) nothing else well one more thing. I wanna say thank you for the 747 (I just updated it)  pageviews and also for the people all over the world well 10 countries (including: Hong Kong, United States, Ukraine, Indonesia, Latvia, Germany, Malaysia, Russia, Australia and United Kingdom) who read my blog :) Thank you so much!!

This post is gonna be really short coz I got nothing else to say but Thank you!! It's just that I don't think anyone would read this because it's just a story about my life and my experiences in Hong Kong or other places that I've been in.

Thank you again for reading my posts. It means a lot to me. I hope you learn something from the post I posted a few days ago which is about being a true friend and standing up for yourself. I'll be posting more stuffs like that I think. Well, it just depends on the things that happened in my life.

One more thing, if you wanna know how I just write stuffs and there's a lot of words.. Here's the thing, I just write what's on my mind. So, if it doesn't make sense some how.. It's just my brain I think. (Just like that). If you're also wondering why I write stuffs like my last post... It's just that I learnt something from someone who did the wrong thing (sort of).

Anyways, I'll say this for the last time.. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY BLOG, IT MEANS A LOT TO ME!!!!

Kardia Imanuel Hakim (Yip)

P.S. when I said it's gonna be a short post I wasn't really sure about it.. So, if it's quite long, I was just writing thank you ( to make it shorter).

Saturday, May 5, 2012

What it Means to be yourself and a friend

Good Morning from Hong Kong!!
    Hey, bloggers I'm here today to talk about things that matters for some of you. Like for example, standing up for who you are, what it means to be a friend and being a true friend. Hope it gives you something.
    I'll talk about "standing up for yourself' first.. Okay, here we go. So, I'll give some examples and then I'll write some advice. I have this friend of mine who listens to the other person. So, this other person and I was fighting on Friday. Now, my friend listens to that person. All I really want to tell her and you bloggers are : First, if you have friends who are fighting and you're in between, you shouldn't choose when you want to be both friends. Secondly, you should stand up for yourself when someone try to control you. You're a person, no one can control you. You have to control yourself. The point is, who cares when someone who wants to control you? You have to control yourself.
    The second point. What it means to be a friend. Being a friend means that you (the friend) shouldn't betray your friend. Why?? Because you hurt your friend when you betray them and if you have feelings you'll feel guilty about it. Being a friend also means that you have to stay/stick with your friend through ups and downs. Again why?? Because even when you have tons of friends, you don't have to choose but think which one of your friends needs you the most. He/She wouldn't show you what's in their heart. But if you really is a friend you can feel what's inside their mind.
     The third and last one. Being a true friend. This point is quite similar with the previous one. A true friend means that no matter what happens, even when your friend have been humiliated or changed into a loser or even lost his/her reputation at school, you'll always be with them. A true friend should be faithful and trustworthy. You wouldn't just choose your friend because they're cool or "well-known" around school. All those stuffs are just fake at school you have to really know who they are, the real them! To be a true friend is hard but your friend would really appreciate you for that.
     Well, that's all for this post. I'll write again soon (maybe).

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stuffs That Happened

I know I'm not suppose to talk or write about someone begin their back and I tried not to but for today, I can't help it. Especially if it's about BFFs. I'm really sorry if "you" my BFF read this but my blog is like a journal. Which means I can express myself by the blog.
So, if you my blog readers want to know what happened, coz of the title.. Here it goes! But before I start. I just want to give u a few tips on being a true friend. 1st, you have to trust your good friend. 2nd you have to tell the truth to your friend no matter what, coz your friend will totally understand you :)
Okay, here comes the story. So today, at school, I had an argument with my BFF. Apparently, she's not my BFF anymore. Not that I hate her (I can't hate anyone, I just can't) but she's just so annoying and she talked about my "weakness" behind my back. Is she a true friend?? I don't think so.
Now, that's not the only thing that I don't like about her. There's another thing. She kept telling me that I'm jealous because she liked someone that I liked. She should know how I feel when she said that especially coz she tease me a lot and I just want her to know how I felt. So after I sort of tease her she should know how annoying it is when someone just kept saying stuffs that doesn't make sense and pointless for a long time.
Here comes the bad part, one of her good friends is a girl that I dislike the most and that girl is the girl who always tease me for no exact reason. Now, my friend talked to her about what happened and the other girl will trust her at once coz she only heard from one part not the other and she wouldn't trust me for anything (she doesn't really like me). It's super unfair she only listened from one side and she's totally gonna spread it to the whole school (she's kinda a gossip girl).
Now, if the girl tell the whole school, nobody is gonna like me. For being in a bad mood and saying what I want and just being disappointed at my friend. I'm trying not to cry while I'm writing this. She's just gonna ruin mylife by half an hour. Why is this so unfair? And in all of the things I wrote and what I felt there's only 1 good thing. Which is, I only have 2-3 months at the same school and next year I'm not gonna see my friend for good.

Thanks for reading :)
Kardia Imanuel Hakim (Yip)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

My Second Interview

I know it's kinda weird writing the post title "My Second Interview" since I didn't' write about my first interview.. Anyways, here's all the details that you guys want or need to know coz I'm not telling exactly everything..
It's started of rushing.. Wanna know why?? Only because my mom and I were quite in a hurry after a little fight with my older brother XD. We were so lucky that we found a taxi right away.. Coz if we didn't we might be late and I would miss the chance of getting being accepted in one of the schools I want to be in.
This morning was epic after rushing. Turns out there was a traffic jam. I cried just because I was desperate. Don't call me a baby after reading this, I was really scared that I wouldn't make it. The taxi driver saw me crying and told me that the place is just around 20-30 meters away so he told us to run to the school because it'll be faster. So, I ran into the school.
The running wasn't finished.. My mum and I have to run down the stairs for around 5-6 floors. Just when I arrived the hall they told me that I was just a little bit late and that I'll be moved to another hall. So, the teacher asked a prefect to tell me where I'm going so I followed him. Turns out the other hall was upstairs!! I was really sweaty that time but it was worth it.
I'm still allowed to do the interview. Ooh, and one thing that I didn't mention the interviewer smiled at me a lot even when I struggled my Cantonese maybe because I did awesome for the English presentation. :)

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Birthday Post

This post is sort of belated.. Well, very belated.. This post is just about what I did for my birthday party and the very special school event it's called the International Day..
I had the International day before my birthday party just because I have to help my teacher in the Market Stall.. I have a video and some photos on that topic but it's in my phone right now and I can only use my computer to upload the photos from my phone.
So, since we're now waiting for the photos and the video. I'll just start talking about my party. My party was amazingly funny!! I invited 6 boys to the party and only 2 showed up. Now those boys are like my brothers well, not that close.. Anyways, I felt a little weird in my own party because any normal party host would sit in the middle of the table. Apparently, I didn't and I'm not saying I'm abnormal.. I just want to have some fun XD.
Moving on, I had so much withe the boys form them being immature till they're really formal in a pizza place. It's really funny how boys would pretend they're British and being too formal. They made my best friend and I laugh a lot :D. But the funnest and the most annoying time was when one of the boys blew my candle like 2-3 times.. THANK YOU!! (a shout out for him =D).
Okay, that's all for 'My Birthday Post' come back tomorrow for pictures and videos of my whole birthday =P. Peace out! I'm Out! Love you readers <3